Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Call to Dams

There has been an evil lurking among us for too long.  Perhaps it has been sneaking up on us unawares, tricking us to believe that they are beneficial.  Yes, while we harvest electricity and perhaps a little manna power by wrangling the neck of mother nature herself, we are choking the life force out of the environment!  People, people!  We must do everything in our power to see that not another single one of these instruments of Satan are employed in destroying our dearest animal friends!  I speak of nothing but dams!  I assure you, dear children, that these are up to no good.

"But I love boating at the local reservoir!  I enjoy fishing and netting lobsters from the water floor!"  You, my dear friend, have been brainwashed.  What you don't realize there is that you ride your watery skates upon murky liquid filled with corpses and devils!  Oh great, you go ahead and picnic away!  Leave behind your trash! Your collapsible camping chairs and Twinkie wrappers may appear to be great food sources for the albatross and beaver, but we know better.

Dear people, please bring a halt to this nonsense.  Animals suffer while we enjoy our recreation.  How can we let this keep going?  Down with dams!  Write your senators!  Make documentaries and tell horror stories!  Boo!


  1. I have a Dam question, are there any Dams in Utah?

  2. Answer to Whitnie:

    Excellent question. Here is a link for your review. Mind you - it is fairly biased.

    Educate yourself.

