Thursday, December 9, 2010

Yo-Yo Mania

Looking for a way to make new friends?  Impress your boss?  Something to keep your mind off the last soap?  Look no further!  Behold the advent of the yo-yo!  Fling it up.  Throw it down.  Do tricks all around!  Here's a true story about yours truly.  I was living in Ukraine for two years.  I found a yo-yo.  That was the best thing that had happened to me in a long time; I would mindlessly let that stringed miracle take away my stress and anxiety one swoop at a time.

It's therapeutic!

It's impressive!

It's an art.

Ever wonder how you as well can dive into such a deep hobby?  I know you have.  We all have wondered such questions.  Let me give you a few pieces of advice; don't buy those cheap three dollar yo-yos.  They lack weight and thereby really are lackluster in their ability to stall: the ability for a yo-yo to rotate in the air escaping the grip of the looped rope around the axle while still creating a slight amount of friction.  The rope that loops them is very low quality, causing knots and twists what most yo-yosters like to call certain curse words.  Don't venture there!  Don't be the embarrassment of the yo-yo community!  Good sir, if you are going to learn how to swim, don't wade in shallow waters; strap on those swimming trunks and dive into the deep end!

Go ahead and buy that $250 Duncan Cold Fusion!  Take it to a sonic cleaner: an ultrasonic 'bath' used to thoroughly clean a yo-yo, especially aiming for the ball bearings!  Slap on some Slick 8 string!  Install that starburst: a star shaped pattern around the axle which acts as a quick response system!  Throw out a freegen: a freehand maneuver in which the sleeping yo-yo is caused to being winding, where, when the yo-yo is approximately half wound, the counter weight is released and the momentum of the counterweight is released and the momentum of the counterweight in synchonation with the winding of the yo-yo causes the spin to be regenerated!  And you thought this was all a cake walk.  This stuff is serious, serious, serious!

Feel free to leave comments below to let me know your successes in the exciting world of yo-yo.

And for your entertainment and striving for excellence, here is a link to the hardest yo-yo trick in the world: the escape ladder.

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